Muslim League (ML) on Friday said Friday said its chairman Masarat Aalam was not produced before the court for trail. According to a statement issued to KNO, ML General Secretary M. Rafiq Ganaie, “Masrat Alam was scheduled to be presented before Forest court, but the authorities again did not present him before the judge for trail.”“In this week, Masrat Aalam is scheduled to be presented before additional district and session judge, chief judicial magistrate, 4th additional judge and Passenger court for hearing of ‘frivolous’ charges against him and is about to get clean chit and release orders from court now, that is why authorities are deliberately doing it under a plan so that he is not released by the court.” It is an attempt to prolong his illegal detention,” he said.
He said “authorities are tarnishing the image and stature of its own judiciary by not respecting them. It is the worst form of human rights violation and a glaring example of political vendetta.”